Explore these careers in the Military

Some people may be surprised to discover the military offers work in many different fields.
The military is essential to protecting the country’s interests both domestically and abroad. Military service members help to keep the peace, assist civil service personnel and defend the nation when necessary. Even though some people enlist in the military for a set period of time, many spend their entire careers in the service.
Some people may be surprised to discover the military offers work in many different fields. Chances are if it can be found outside of the military world, it’s also something that can be done within the various branches of the military.
Accounting officers
Accountants and auditors scrutinize the spending of billions of dollars by the military. These people maintain records in accordance with policies and procedures. They also advise leaders on financial and accounting matters.
Administrative support specialists
These individuals perform various tasks, which include information recording, organization, clerical needs, scheduling meetings, making travel arrangements, and more.
Advanced practice nurses
Nurses are needed in many different situations and they are coveted by the military. Nurses may specialize as nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse midwives, or nurse anesthetists when caring for the wounded or assisting in disaster relief. Nurses provide medical care to military members as well.
Air traffic controllers
Air traffic controllers are best known at commercial airports, but they also play essential roles in the military. Every day, hundreds of military aircraft take off and land around the world and air traffic controllers direct their movements.
Cyber-operations specialists
The internet and cyberspace has changed how the world operates in modern times. The military has resources to develop and maintain cyberspace initiatives, including securing military networks and defending the nation against cyber attacks. Cyber-operations specialists lead the call to utilize devices and systems to protect data.
Construction specialists/managers
These professionals perform and manage the construction of bridges, buildings, utility systems, bunkers, and much more for a variety of military operations.
Motor transport operators
Vehicles move equipment, supplies and troops all over, and the military needs operators who can not only drive, but also perform preventive maintenance on light- and heavy-duty vehicles. The military offers a wealth of career paths for enlisted, active duty or reserve personnel. These positions engage various skills and can make for rewarding careers. For more information visit www.careersinthemilitary.com
Haz clic para leer en Español: Explore estas carreras en el ejército