Love Means the World to Kids
Ideas to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with the Entire Family, including the kids
Do what you love with those you love. Valentine’s Day is not only to be celebrated by you and your better half; to understand love more deeply, who better to celebrate it with than your kids? Share that day with your children as well. It’s the perfect day to remind ourselves to tell our loved ones (not only our sweethearts) how happy we are to be part of their lives. Here are a few ideas and tips on how to celebrate it this year:
• Morning love: Transform a romantic dinner into a candlelight breakfast with kids. This can be quite a treat for little ones; you will notice they will eat more than usual and get excited about sharing a special family meal. A cute surprise like a heart-shaped pancake or a little note underneath the placemat will do the trick!
• Thoughtful Gifting: Valentine’s Day gifts are not about a purchased item. Make gifts about expressing love and connecting with loved ones. Work with your little one on handmade cards, quality time together, maybe a free massage! But avoid purchasing expensive gifts that teach all the wrong lessons about this day.
• Dinner Date: Prepare a romantic dinner and have your kids be part of it. Have them select the menu and help with the cooking. Ask them to set up the table in a special way. Maybe surprise dad when he gets home!
• Behind every song there is a hidden love story: bring music and joy to your Valentine’s Day celebration; have every family member select a favorite love song and play it during dinner time. After dinner, you can even slow dance or play freeze dance with your kids.
• Blooming with love: we can all agree that Valentine’s Day without flowers is incomplete. Play a little game with your kids and ask them to pick a flower that represents love to them, research the meaning of that flower and during dinner time have them share the meaning of the flower and the reason for selecting it as a symbol of love. It will be a great conversation starter during dinner time!
Love takes many different forms, so we need to be reminded to look close enough and not miss the many examples of love we experience every day. However you decide to celebrate it, we hope February 14, 2019, brings plenty of love to your life! Happy Valentine’s Day! Pixie Dreams aims to teach children how to have a strong mind and a good heart!
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