Monarch All Health Gives Parents Tools for the Modern Era
We all know that parenting is tough, and modern life with its hectic pace and rapidly changing technology can make it especially difficult to make the right calls. In two upcoming free training sessions, Monarch All Health aims to give parents and guardians the tools they need to cope.
The free sessions, aimed at parents of children in grades K-2 and grades 2-5, look at identifying, understanding, and managing problematic behaviors. There is also a focus on social media and the dangers it presents for children.
Mental health therapist, Dr. Alecia Rodriguez, who facilitates the sessions on behalf of Monarch All Health, points out that many parents are less tech savvy than their children and may not be aware of these dangers or how to deal with them. She notes that children as young as 2 and 3 years old are already interacting with apps, and pre-teens between 8 and 11 years old often have their own social media accounts where they become easy targets for stalking and bullying.
Although it’s not possible to entirely escape the technological world these days, supervision is vital to ensure your child’s online habits are healthy ones. Dr. Rodriguez has this advice for parents: “Instead of constantly lecturing them about the bad influence of social media, encourage other interests or passions they may have.”
As with so many things, good communication is the key. “Children should be taught to use assertive communication in a non-confrontational manner,” said Dr. Rodriguez. Having clear and open channels of communication with trusted adults allows children to speak up when they’re experiencing harmful situations and empowers them to stand up for themselves.
As bullying and harassment are linked to an increase in mental health issues in young people, it is a difficult but necessary task for parents to empower their children by replacing negative thoughts with positive statements and encouragement and recognizing that their children’s needs are legitimate. Mental health professionals, like those at Monarch All Health, can assist with developing healthier coping mechanisms and proper self-care behaviors.
It’s not all about the children though. Dr. Rodriguez also notes that “parents should take steps to prioritize their own mental health as well.”
The sessions will be held at Academir Charter School of Math and Science (ACSMS) at 3 p.m. on November 3, 2021, for parents and guardians of children in grades K-2, and at 3.30 p.m. on November 4, 2021, for parents and guardians of children in grades 2-5. Refreshments will be provided, and more information is available from Monarch All Health at (786) 521-5925 or
Haz clic para leer en Español: Monarch All Health ofrece a los padres herramientas para la era moderna