Vice Mayor Julio Guzman invites Homestead community residents to Town Hall to discuss improving waste disposal policies

Homestead residents who are eager to see their community grow and flourish will get to share their ideas with Vice Mayor Julio Guzman on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. The Town Hall meeting will be focusing on ways to improve upon current garbage disposal, recycling, and bulk pick-up policies. All residents of Homestead are invited and encouraged to participate in the meeting. For those who cannot attend, there will be a livestream available through a Facebook link. Further details on that will be provided through the town’s social media pages.
Vice Mayor Guzman explains that the goal of this initiative is to provide the community with “a city that takes pride in having nice roads, clean sidewalks, elegant storefronts, and beautifully landscaped right of ways.” Not only will this improve the quality of life for existing residents, but it will contribute to a lasting impression that will attract new business and mixed-use developments west of US-1 and downtown areas.
While some people might become apprehensive at the mention of new developments in their local neighborhoods, the changes in mind for Homestead are truly meant to benefit the residents. In a recent interview, Vice Mayor Guzman explains:
“When planned properly, mixed-use developments have proven to provide cities with a good balance of residential and commercial amenities that essentially create mini urban centers. Creating mini urban centers provides opportunities that attract economic development and help satisfy the need for affordable/workforce housing and local jobs. This type of planning allows residents to work, live and play while enjoying a healthy lifestyle within our city.”
Not only might this lead to a greater sense of community pride but open a new window of economic opportunity for business owners and individuals alike. City leaders are aware of the untapped potential the city has to offer and would like to assess these opportunities with the community.
The current schedule of garbage disposal and bulk pickup will be one of the main points addressed. Any ideas that residents have are welcomed. Mr. Guzman is happy to explore ideas that go beyond scheduling. One of his goals is to reduce the amount of bulk trash on the residential right of ways to improve the overall experience driving through local neighborhoods. Fostering an environment that benefits the community is paramount.
Following the meeting, Mr. Guzman ensures that monthly updates will be provided to residents, so adjustments can be made accordingly, with the Homestead community in mind. Community members are encouraged to participate in the ongoing discourse that will ultimately lead to an ideal quality of life for the whole city.
For more information, residents can visit the Town Hall event page here. For social media updates, visit their Facebook page here.
Haz clic para leer en Español: Vicealcalde Julio Guzmán invita a los residentes de la comunidad de Homestead al ayuntamiento para discutir cómo mejorar las políticas de eliminación de desechos