Free Wellness and Arts Outdoor Program at Miller Drive Park

Recognizing that outdoor recreation and art enrichment activities provide opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to be active, explore new talents and live happier lives, the Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department invites residents and their children to participate in the new Wellness and Arts Outdoor Program at the Raíces Hispanic Cultural Arts Center at Miller Drive Park, 5510 SW 94 Court, Miami.
Classes are free and include Stretching/Meditation, Mondays and Fridays, from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.; Drawing and Painting, Wednesdays, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Dance for Fitness/Folklore/Corporal Expressions, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.; and Puppet Shows (TBA), Fridays, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Preregistration is required and must be completed a week prior to the class date. Register via Miami-Dade Parks’ new online registration system Park Link or by visiting or calling the park at 305-271-0812. Enrollment is limited to a maximum capacity of 20 participants per class.
COVID-19 New Normal Guidelines will be observed, requiring everyone to wear a face mask and keep social distance at all times. Daily prescreenings with temperature checks and a verbal questionnaire will be conducted before individuals will be allowed in class. Bring your own art materials and yoga mats.
Raíces Hispanic Heritage Cultural Arts Center at Miller Drive Park is a multi-disciplinary arts center that cultivates, promotes, celebrates and also preserves cultural traditions found in Latin American and Caribbean countries of Hispanic heritage. The Center offers children and adults, wonderful all-inclusive and year-round programs, including camps that contain wide-ranging arts training academies, including a performance venue and residency opportunities for community artists of all media.
Haz clic para leer en Español: Programa de Bienestar y Artes gratuito al aire libre en el parque Miller Drive