HPS Energy Recognized for Achievement in Utility Safety

Homestead Public Services (HPS) Energy received statewide recognition from the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) for its continued commitment to safety during the past year. This recognition reflects Homestead’s commitment to protecting workers’ safety, while also ensuring reliable electric service to customers. Homestead was awarded third place in its class, which is comprised of utilities with 60,000 to 199,999 man-hours worked.
“Working with powerlines and electricity is one of the most dangerous occupations, so HPS Energy is continuously focused on safety,” said Director of HPS Energy, Barbara Quiñones. “We are thrilled to have received this award in recognition of all our employees’ efforts.”
For the past 30 years, FMEA has recognized the efforts of Florida’s public power utilities to stress worker safety as the No. 1 priority. Utilities are placed into categories according to their total man-hours worked, and rewarded for the most incident-free records. The incidence rate used to judge utilities was based on the number of work-related reportable injuries or illnesses compared to the total number of worker-hours during 2017, as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
The Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) represents the unified interests of 33 public power communities across the state, which provide electricity to more than 3 million of Florida’s residential and business consumers.
HPS Energy has been a true pioneer in providing energy services to Homestead since 1916—a time when large power companies did not realize the benefit of extending their services to the City. From humble beginnings as a power plant with one 30-kilowatt generator, to a one-time status as one of the largest municipal diesel-power generating plants in the United States, HPS Energy has proudly served its customers for over a century. Learn more at www.cityofhomestead.com/energy
Haz clic para leer en Español: Otorgan reconocimiento a “HPS Energy” por sus logros en seguridad de servicios públicos