Homestead CRA Launches COVID-19 Recovery Grants

The Homestead Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has launched two programs designed to help residents and businesses within the CRA Area that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rent & Utilities Assistance Grant Program will provide eligible residents who reside within the CRA boundaries with a one-time assistance of up to $1,500 for one month’s rent and utilities costs. The Small Business Emergency Recovery Grant will assist eligible small businesses with a grant up to $5,000 for COVID relief assistance. Grants in both programs will be made until funds are expended.
Rental & Utilities Assistance Grant Program
The Homestead CRA COVID-19 Rent & Utilities Assistance Grant Program (the “Program”) is designed to provide residents who reside within the CRA boundaries with a one-time assistance of up to $1,500 for one month’s rent and utilities costs.
In order to qualify for the program, residents must live within the Homestead CRA, have a household income at or below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI), be a renter, and have lost their job as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This Program will be subject to funding availability.
The CRA will not issue payments directly to applicants, but rather payments will be sent directly to landlord and/or the utility provider.
For full eligibility requirements and application, visit Applications must be returned in-person at the CRA Building located at 212 NW 1st Avenue, Homestead, FL 33030 during designated drop-off hours.
Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-ready basis. Incomplete applications will delay review and may cause an application to lose its place in line. Failure to submit the required documentation may disqualify the application. Applications and required documentation must be received by 3:00pm on Wednesday, June 3, 2020.
Applications will be accepted on:
· Monday, June 1, 2020 from 10am until 3pm
· Tuesday, June 2, 2020 from 10am until 3pm
· Wednesday, June 3, 2020 from 10am until 3pm
Please be advised that the CRA is still adhering to COVID-19 safety guidelines and the office is closed to the public. Individuals dropping off an application must wear a face covering and practice social distancing. Upon arrival, applicants must ring the bell to the right of the door and staff will provide instructions for leaving the application package.
Small Business Emergency Recovery Grant
The CRA Small Business Emergency Recovery Grant is available to eligible existing small businesses located within the CRA. The purpose of this one-time grant is to serve as gap funding until the business owner is able to receive a Small Business Administration and/or Bridge Loan, Payroll Protection Program funding or funds from other sources.
The CRA will assist eligible small businesses with a grant of up to $5,000 for COVID relief assistance. Priority will first be given to businesses located in historic downtown or the Southwest neighborhood of the CRA.
For full eligibility requirements and application, visit Applications must be returned in-person at the CRA Building located at 212 NW 1st Avenue, Homestead, FL 33030 during designated drop-off hours.
Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-ready basis. Incomplete applications will delay review and may cause an application to lose its place in line. Failure to submit the required documentation may disqualify the application. Applications and required documentation must be received by 3:00pm on Wednesday, June 10, 2020.
Applications will be accepted on:
· Monday, June 8, 2020 from 10am until 3pm
· Tuesday, June 9, 2020 from 10am until 3pm
· Wednesday, June 10, 2020 from 10am until 3pm
Please be advised that the CRA is still adhering to COVID-19 safety guidelines and the office is closed to the public. Individuals dropping off an application must wear a face covering and practice social distancing. Upon arrival, applicants must ring the bell to the right of the door and staff will provide instructions for leaving the application package.
Haz clic para leer en Español: Homestead CRA lanza subsidios de recuperación COVID-19